Welcome to 2A

Our teacher is Mr Ahmad.
Our teaching assistants are Mrs Sidat and Mrs Kaur.

‘Home reading books’ will be changed every Friday.

PE is on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Library visit is on Friday.

Homework is given out on Friday.

Creative Curriculum – Wriggle and Crawl

Can you help your child learn to read and understand the meaning to these topic related words for ‘Wriggle and Crawl’.

What Are We Learning?

In English, we will read Poems Aloud, asking and answering questions and making predictions. We will identify features of a poetry text and write a our own poems. We will then perform our poems aloud.

In Maths, we will be studying shape and fractions.

In Science we will learn to work work scientifically. We will be observing identifying, classifying, grouping and performing fair tests.

In PSHE we are learning about ‘relationships’. We will look at reconnecting with our friends, feeling safe managing worries, and what our roles responsibilities are.

In French, we will learn how to greet and respond, say numbers to 10 and follow classroom instructions.

We will be following Charanga online this half term, looking at different beats and tempos!

In Computing, we will use Purple Mash to learn to code. We will control our own robot and create a simple game.