Nursery Staff
Class Teacher – Mrs. Appleby
Higher Level Teaching Assistant – Mrs. Powell
Class Teacher – Mrs. Appleby
Higher Level Teaching Assistant – Mrs. Powell
Don’t forget to join Class Dojo to keep in touch, ask questions and see what we get up to in Nursery.
Play is how children learn and make sense of the world.
In early years, we teach in a fun and informal manner, providing lots of learning opportunities through engaging play. We believe in quality, shared time together to support and enhance a child’s learning and development.
On Class Dojo, the nursery team will be regularly sharing the fun and purposeful play activities that your child will be partaking in whilst at school. Please feel free to share on Class Dojo the fun activities your child does at home, we love to see the learning, play and progress they get up to outside of school!
Welcome to our wonderful learning environment. Our indoor and outdoor provision is jam packed full of fun and engaging learning activities which support your child with their language and communication, understanding and development.
On a daily basis, the children partake in listening and attention activities to develop their awareness of different sounds/noises, environmental sounds and the initial sounds in words. We use a program called Letters and Sounds which gives children the knowledge and skills they need before they can start RWI which enables them to hear and decipher the different sounds they can hear.
Here are some games you could play.
We do lots of counting throughout the day, whether it is counting the children who are in nursery today or how many apples are left in the snack bowl. Counting is very important in nursery and can be done throughout the day.
Encourage your child to count when at home too. You could count the cars whilst walking to school, count the steps on the stairs or how many potatoes you have at dinner time. If you would like some more counting ideas, please ask and Miss Heath would be happy to help you.
At school we love to sing songs and nursery rhymes.
Here is a fun number song for you to listen to. Please click here
Story time is a very important part of the early years curriculum. Reading encourages a love for books and stories for children, which in turn can help with their imagination. Everyday your child will listen to a story with a grown up and will have access to books and stories at all times during child-initiated learning time.
Throughout this first half term, we continue to support our children and families with settling into Nursery. We help and guide the children with following the routines, rules and expectations and the development of independent skills. We consistently support and encourage independent skills throughout the Nursery session, for example, using the toilet, washing hands, taking off or putting on coats and hanging them up.
During this half term, we follow the topic ‘Starry Night’. During this topic we will be learning about the differences between daytime
and night-time, nocturnal animals that come out at night, animals that live in cold climates, Winter and the Nativity story and Christmas celebrations.
Please view the document below to see the curriculum coverage for this topic.
Can you help your child learn to read and understand the meaning to these topic related words?
As Nursery only access half of the school day, you could use these links to fill the other half of their day and extend their learning even further
Why not have a try at some of these simple recipes!
Please ensure children are supervised in the kitchen at all times.
Personal, Social and Emotional – Children will continue developing these skills whilst at home. This will include interactions between siblings and parents, it will encourage them to think about others feelings and the need to share their own and others toys.
Physical Development – Children will continue developing gross and fine motor skills. Gross motor skills are the larger movements children develop, for example, jumping, hopping, throwing a ball etc. fine motor skills are the small movements children develop, for example, holding a pencil, being able to pinch a peg or thread a bead. It is important to allow your child to become independent in their self-care, this includes toileting, washing their hands and getting themselves dressed.
Communication and Language – Children will be developing language through learning about the topic by talking about the different books and role playing different scenarios. Engage children in discussions about everyday activities to expose them to as much language as possible.
Literacy – Children will continue developing a variety of skills, these may include developing the marks which they make and begin to give meaning to these marks, for example making circular marks and saying ‘this your name’. When reading stories to your children this will allow them to build their own knowledge of how stories are structured and widen their exposure to language used in stories.
Mathematics- Children will develop Counting, sequencing, singing number rhymes and identifying what happens when one is taken away or added, they will become more aware of shapes in their environment, for example, a roof could be a triangle, understanding of big and little and be able to sort objects according to their properties.
Creative- Creative activities related to the theme by: painting, collaging, junk modelling, construction models, Role-play, and singing lots of new rhymes and songs.
Understanding the World- Talking about the world and how it changes. Talking about and understanding of relations between different members of their family. They will show interest in others and different occupations, for example, what does a police officer do, what do they wear or drive.
Encouraging your child to speak in full sentences.
Practicing their numbers,basic shapes, colours and letter sounds.
Encouraging your child to be independent (toileting, hand washing, coats and shoes).
It is amazing to see how quickly children have settled into the nursery setting and are already become confident, independent little learners.