• Ambitious – We create an environment where everyone is encouraged and supported to reach their full potential. 

Children are ambitious if they are: motivated, focused, optimistic, curious, brave and reflective 

  • Safe – We work unwaveringly to ensure children learn, grow and thrive in a safe environment. Most importantly, we make it a priority that children learn how to keep themselves safe.  

Children are safe if they are: co-operative, self-aware, risk-aware, rights respecting, compassionate and considerate.  

  • Proud – We work tirelessly to develop individuals who are proud of themselves, our school and their local communities. 

Children are proud if they are: present and punctual, confident, successful, smart, polite and have good self-esteem. 

  • Independent – clear, consistent expectations are embedded within our ethos to ensure children develop with increasing independence.  

We make it a priority to ensure our children are: responsible, self-regulated, disciplined, honest, self-improving, hard-working and creative.  

  • Resilient  We develop a culture where children thrive from challenge and are able to bounce back from difficulties.  

Resilience is demonstrated when children are determined, adaptable, patient and persistent and show that they have stamina and problem-solving skills.  

  • Equal – We work inclusively every day to celebrate our richly diverse community and ensure children promote and accept the differences between people. 

We encourage our pupils to be: tolerant, inclusive, respectful, fair, open-minded and sensitive.  

Armed Forces Covenant

Academy Transformation Trust is proud to be part of the Armed Forces Covenant, a committment that those who serve or who have served in the Armed Forces, and their families, are treated with fairness and respect in our school communities.

Learn more about the AFC in our Trust

Read the Birmingham AFC Guide