Welcome to 6AB

Our teacher is Mr Ballance.
Our teaching assistant is Mrs Sylvester.

Home reading books need to be in class every Thursday.

PE is on Wednesday and Friday.

Homework is given out every Tuesday and Friday.

Doodle Maths is checked every Thursday.

Creative Curriculum – HOLA MEXICO!

Can you help your child learn to read and understand the meaning to these topic related words for Hola Mexico!

What Are We Learning?

In English this half term, we will have started by finishing our topic Road’s End.  Who is this mysterious man in goggles and a red scarf and what has happened to him?  We are left to decide this for ourselves as the short film begins and he is inspecting the wreckage of a car, as a viewer we assume that he has survived a car crash. Help is at hand in the form of a friendly driver who stops and offers him a lift.


Then, we will be moving on to our non-fiction unit – Save Pompeii.  In this unit, the children go on an imaginary mission back in time to warn the
people of Pompeii about the volcanic eruption. They read the interactive
eBook, locating key information in the text and creating an action plan. The
writing tasks include creating an information leaflet and writing a nonchronological report using formal language.

We soon realise that all is not as it seems and so does the driver.  But is it too late?  He looks into the goggles of his passenger and sees himself in the reflection.  It is not a pleasant view of the future… and unluckily for this poor soul it comes true.

In Maths, we will are looking at place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  We will also be looking at strategies to solve word problems.

In Science we will be learning about adaptation and evolution.  We will be learning about how characteristics are passed down from parents to offspring.  We will be learning about how and why animals and plants adapt to their environment and how this leads to evolution over a period of time, as well as extinction.

In PSHE we are learning about ‘relationships’. We will look at reconnecting with our friends, feeling safe managing worries, and what our roles responsibilities are.

In Latin, we will be looking at how some English words derive from Latin.

We will be following Charanga online this half term, looking at different beats and tempos!

In Computing, we will use Purple Mash to learn to code. We will control our own robot and create a simple game.