Welcome to 1B
Our teacher is Mrs Bourne.
Our teaching assistants are Mrs Jones and Mrs Khatun.
Our teacher is Mrs Bourne.
Our teaching assistants are Mrs Jones and Mrs Khatun.
‘Home reading books’ will be changed when your child has read it at home. Your child needs to read 3 times a week and an adult needs to sign their diary to show this.
PE is on Thursday.
Library visit is on Tuesday.
Children have logins to Doodlemaths in their reading diary.
In English, we will be reading ‘Not that pet’. We will be working on sentence structure, including capital letters and full stops and handwriting.
In RWI we will be studying set 1, set 2 and set 3 sounds. We will be blending, reading accurately and trying to build up speed.
In Maths, we will be learning about numbers to 20 including number bonds, adding and subtracting. We will be learning about positions.
In Science we will be studying working scientifically. We will be asking lots of scientific questions and working out how to answer them.
In RE, we will be learning about ‘creation’. We will look at how in Christianity God created the world.
We will be following Charanga online this half term, looking at different beats and tempos!
In Computing, we will be learning how log on to Doodlemaths and Nessy.