Welcome to RH

Class Teacher- Mrs Hill

Teaching Assistant- Miss Toy

Don’t forget to join Class Dojo to keep in touch, ask questions and see what we get up to in reception. If you need to connect to our class, please click here.

Our topic this term is ‘Let’s Explore’. The curriculum map will show you some of the thing we will be learning about during this topic.

Can you help your child learn to read and understand the meaning to these topic related words for ‘Let’s Explore’


Autumn 1 Word Aware

Early Learning Goals

The Early Learning Goals (ELGs) are the goals or targets children are expected to achieve at the end of their Reception year.

These goals are what we have been working towards throughout Reception . There are 17 Early Learning Goals.

Early Learning Goals Parent And Carers Guide

Activities To Try At Home

Learning in Reception

Physical Development – Children will continue developing gross and fine motor skills.Continued learning

Communication and Language – Children will be developing language through learning about the topic by talking about the different books and role playing different scenarios.

Mathematics- Counting, sequencing, comparative language, simple charts, solving number problems, addition, subtraction, doubling, halving and capacity. 2d an 3d shapes.

Creative- Creative activities related to the theme by: painting, collaging, junk modelling, construction models, Role-play, and singing lots of new rhymes and songs.

Understanding the World- Talking about the world and how it changes.

Information for Parents – Helping your Children at Home

Practicing reading and writing set 1 sounds, high frequency words and ‘tricky words’ will help your child. Please encourage children to explore books. They love ‘Bedtime stories’. We now have a new reading scheme ‘Bug Club’. Parents are asked to read with their child and to sign and date reading diaries. Reading books will be change weekly and Library books are changed each Friday so please ensure that you child’s books are in school everyday or their books cannot be changed.

RWI: looking at Set 1 sounds, ditties, red words and CVC words.

Information for Parents

Please ensure children wear small studs instead of hooped earrings. Trainers should not be worn.
Please try and ensure your child has an opportunity to read with you at least three times a week!

Please ensure that PE kits are brought in for PE days