Welcome to 5S

Our teacher is Mrs Sow.
Our teaching assistant in 5S is Mrs Sylvester.

Children need to be reading 5 times per week and their home reading books need to be in school every day.

PE will be on Monday and Thursdays.

Spellings will be given new spellings to learn each day, please encourage your children to practice these at home in preparation for their spelling test on a Friday. Children have their Doodle Maths logins and need to be going on their daily for about 5 – 10 minutes.

Creative Curriculum – Fallen Fields

Can you help your child learn to read and understand the meaning to these topic related words for ‘Fallen Fields’.

What Are We Learning?

In English, we will read Kensuke’s Kingdom, looking. We will be focusing on using different grammatical techniques such as modal verbs, prepositions and pronouns to avoid repetition. We will be writing a biography all about the life of Kensuke.

In Maths, we will be finishing our topic on multiplication and division. We will be looking at using this knowledge to answer word problems. After this topic we will be moving onto graphs and looking at reading timetables.

We will be carrying out experiments looking at reversible and irreversible changes. We will be recording these results formally as well as looking at the properties of materials. We will be using our knowledge to learn how to work scientifically in our lessons.

In RE we are learning about ‘Sikhi’. We will look at how Sikh people use traditional stories to teach them how to live their lives.

In Latin, we are introducing the language and where the English language comes from.

In music this half term we will be learning our Christmas song ‘Rocking around the Christmas Tree’ by Brenda Lee.

In Computing, we will use Purple Mash to ensure that we are keeping ourselves safe online. We will also be looking at coding.