Welcome to 5S
Our teacher is Mrs Sow.
Our teaching assistants in year 5 is Mrs Sylvester.
Our teacher is Mrs Sow.
Our teaching assistants in year 5 is Mrs Sylvester.
Children need to be reading 5 times per week and their home reading books need to be in school every day.
PE will be on Monday and Thursdays.
Spellings will be given new spellings to learn each day, please encourage your children to practice these at home in preparation for their spelling test on a Friday. Children have their Doodle Maths logins and need to be going on their daily for about 5 – 10 minutes.
In English, we will read The Firework Maker’s Daughter, looking at descriptive writing. We will be focusing on using descriptive techniques for our own writing to be able to write a sequel to the story.
In Maths, we will be studying number up to 1 million. We will have a focus on place value as well as rounding numbers. We will then be looking at addition and subtraction, using different methods to solve these problems.
We will be finishing off our forces topic this term in Science. Looking at conducting experiments and recording results
In PSHE we are learning about ‘Being me in my World’. We will look at setting goals and targets for the year ahead. We will be focusing on how this links to our rights. We will also be looking at expectations and responsibilities.
In Latin, we are introducing the language and where the English language comes from.
In music this half term we will be learning the song ‘Livin on a Prayer’ by Bon Jovi. We will look at the genre of the song as well as similar songs. We will learn how to incorporate the glockenspiels into the performance.
In Computing, we will use Purple Mash to ensure that we are keeping ourselves safe online. We will also be looking at coding.