Welcome to 3J
Our teacher is Mrs Jones.
Our teaching assistants are Mrs Sidat, Mrs Rehman and Mrs Shahzad
Our teacher is Mrs Jones.
Our teaching assistants are Mrs Sidat, Mrs Rehman and Mrs Shahzad
‘Home reading books’ will be changed every Thursday.
PE is on Tuesday
Homework is given out on Friday and needs to be brought back in to school by Wednesday.
Spellings are sent home regularly, to learn.
Doodle Maths should be used as much as possible at home.
In English, we will be reading Meerkat Mail. We will be learning to plan and write a non-chronological report and write a travel diary using interesting vocabulary to show characters thoughts and feelings.
We are reading Charlotte’s Web by E.B White in Guided Reading
In Maths, we will be studying length and mass. We will be converting meters to centimeters and converting millimeters to centimeters. We will also be learning about volume and capacity.
Our Science topic is Forces and Magnets. We will be learning about different forces and their effects on and object. We will be looking at grouping magnetic and non-magnetic materials. We will then conduct fair tests and make predictions as to whether two magnets will attract or repel each other.
In RE we will be studying Sanatana Dharma. We will be learning about Diwali, stories about some deities and about sacred places on the Ganges.
We will be following Charanga online this half term.
In Computing, we will use Purple Mash to learn to code. We will control our own robot and create a simple game.